What is the GI Map stool test?

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Gut health tests, like the GI Map, are very popular right now, but are they really worth it? Short answer: If you’re using the right test, they definitely can be.

Unfortunately, a lot of the gut tests (or food sensitivity tests) being promoted right now (think the ones you see on social media) aren’t backed by good scientific evidence and/or don’t provide adequate insight or support for actually making helpful changes based on the data. 

And as for the stool tests your normal doctor might order, they are typically only testing for a limited number of pathogens or viruses and will miss the bigger picture of what is going on in your gut. They can be helpful to rule out food-borne illnesses if you are having very acute digestive symptoms but if you have long term gut issues it’s not likely to uncover anything helpful.

That being said, a quality, comprehensive stool test can be so helpful for getting answers, and targeted solutions, for on-going digestive symptoms as well as non-digestive symptoms related to hormone balance, skin issues, autoimmunity, etc. It can save you the time, money and energy that would be spent on stressful elimination diets, the wrong supplements and wondering if this is just how you have to live your life.

When advanced testing is indicated with my clients, I always use the GI Map Test. 

What is the GI Map test?

The GI Map (GI Microbial Assay Plus) test is a stool test that utilizes advanced DNA sequencing technology to analyze the composition of the gut microbiome. Unlike traditional stool tests, which primarily focus on culturing specific pathogens, the GI Map test provides a comprehensive assessment of the gut ecosystem, including bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses.

The data it provides helps to identify the root cause of digestive symptoms and other imbalances you may be experiencing.

What can you learn from the GI Map?

The GI Map tests for the presence and abundance of various bacteria that impact gut health and function:

  • Pathogenic bacteria 
  • H. Pylori
  • Beneficial microbes
  • Opportunistic microbes
  • Viruses
  • Parasites
  • Fungi and yeast
  • Antibiotic-resistant genes

The GI Map also tests for markers that give insight into:

  • Digestive capacity (aka how well you are digesting and absorbing your food)
  • Inflammation
  • Immune function

How can testing improve your gut health?

The key to healing digestive symptoms long term is identifying their root cause. A root cause is an underlying imbalance or problem that leads to a symptom or a number of symptoms. Most digestive symptoms have many potential root causes. For example, bloating could be caused by an overgrowth of bacteria such as SIBO, insufficient beneficial bacteria, suboptimal production of digestive enzymes or a gluten sensitivity. Each of these issues requires a different treatment approach so knowing which one is behind your symptoms makes it a lot easier to resolve symptoms efficiently and keep them from coming back.

The GI Map shows you specifically what aspects of gut health need support so you can apply the appropriate diet, lifestyle and supplement interventions needed to resolve your symptoms and bring your gut back into balance.

Who can benefit from gut testing?

A GI Map test can be beneficial for anyone dealing with chronic symptoms related to more than just digestion. Gut imbalances can be a root cause for many common conditions and health challenges. The health of your digestive tract impacts just about everything in your body including metabolism, hormones (including fertility), skin and immune system.

For this reason, GI Map testing can help uncover solutions for a variety of complicated health concerns:

  • IBS
  • Extreme Bloating
  • Food sensitivities
  • Skin issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc)
  • Optimizing fertility
  • PCOS 
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Unexplained weight gain

However, not everyone needs stool testing to feel better and resolve their symptoms. If you’re at the beginning of your healing journey, focusing on balanced nutrition and foundational gut supportive practices can sometimes be enough to turn things around.

If you aren’t doing these things already, here’s what I would try first:

  • Eating enough – this typically looks like 3 meals and a few snacks for most adults
  • Balancing meals with carbs, fat, protein and fiber
  • Hydrating with water + minerals
  • Incorporating bitter foods and/or digestive bitters
  • Managing stress

If doing the above doesn’t resolve your symptoms, it will still set you up with the foundation needed for healing when you dig deeper into your root causes.

How to get a GI Map test

The GI Map test can only be ordered through a healthcare practitioner. This ensures that you are getting proper guidance for how to make changes based on your results.

I offer 2 ways to order GI Map testing:

  1. My 3 Month Coaching Package – This option is designed for those with more severe symptoms, complicated health histories or anyone also needing support building sustainable health and nutrition habits.
  2. The Gut Check – My testing only option which also includes a 60 minute review session. This option is best for those who have more mild symptoms and already feel confident in their healthy lifestyle and ability to apply recommendations on their own.

If you’re not sure you’re ready for testing, but need help understanding how to improve your symptoms and support your body with sustainable nutrition and lifestyle habits, you can also sign up for coaching without labs. 

To learn more about all of these options, fill out my application here and I’ll reach out to schedule you for a free 30 minute Clarity Call.

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