5 Tips to Help with Occasional Bloating

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Even if your digestion is in a good place, it’s normal to have occasional bouts of bloating or gas. This might be caused by eating out of your normal routine (such as when traveling), lack of sleep, stress or hormonal fluctuations related to your menstrual cycle.

Often this will only last for a day and your digestion will work itself out. However, if you find yourself with on-going discomfort, these are some of my go-to methods for getting things back to normal more quickly.

Tips for Quick Bloating Relief

  1. Eat more cooked, easy to digest foods. If your digestion is struggling, raw foods are going to be harder for your body to break down properly. This can lead to increased bloating and discomfort. Highly processed foods can also add fuel to the fire. Focus on simple meals with protein, cooked veggies and whole food carbs such as sweet potatoes, rice or quinoa.
  2. Use digestive bitters or apple cider vinegar before meals. Both digestive bitters and apple cider vinegar help your gut do its job better by stimulating the release of more digestive enzymes and juices. This improves breakdown and absorption of food which reduces bloating. If using apple cider vinegar, combine 1 tbsp with 8-12 oz of water. Bitters, like this one, can be added to water or taken directly on the tongue. Take or drink 10-15 minutes before a meal.
  3. Get more sunlight. Digestion is directly tied to our circadian rhythm. Sometimes bloating or indigestion happens because we’ve gotten out of sync (or aren’t getting enough sleep.) You can help your body re-sync its circadian rhythm by going outside first thing in the morning to expose your eyes to natural light. Aim for 10 minutes if it’s sunny and 30 minutes if it’s cloudy. Get as much exposure to sunlight throughout the day as well.
  4. Use a castor oil pack. Castor oil packs are an ancient remedy that can reduce inflammation in the GI tract while also supporting the lymph and liver for better digestion. Not sure what a castor oil pack is? Learn how to use them here.
  5. Wear looser clothing. This one may seem a little basic, but trust me, it helps! If you’re someone who lives in yoga pants or if your high waist jeans are on the tighter side, your internal organs might be getting too compressed to work optimally. That constant pressure can lead to trapped gas and more bloating. Give your belly room to breathe!

What if digestive symptoms are your normal?

If your bloating is more chronic than occasional, aka it’s more of an everyday thing, these tips can help you, too. You may also need to dig a little deeper, however, to identify and heal the root cause of your digestive imbalances. 

Chronic bloating can be caused by thyroid issues, gut infections, nervous system dysregulation and more! Getting professional support can help you get to solutions faster. Learn more about working with me in my 1:1 coaching program here.

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