First, make sure you rinse your beans a few hours ahead so they have time to dry a bit (this way less of the residual water is added to your batter.) When you’re ready to start, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Next, combine flaxseed and water in a food processor and pulse a few times to combine. Let stand for a few minutes to thicken.
Meanwhile, make prep the tahini by combining with maple syrup (and cardamom, if using) in a small bowl.
Now, add the rest of the brownie ingredients to the processor and blend until smooth. Pour batter into a square 8 x8 baking dish lined with a piece of parchment paper.
To create the tahini swirl: drop spoonfuls of the sweetened tahini, spaced slightly apart, on top of batter. Take the tip of a knife and drag it through the dollops of tahini creating a decorative swirl pattern. Sprinkle mini chocolate chips over the top.
Bake for 25-35 minutes, until top of brownies is dry and edges are starting to pull away from the pan. Let cool before cutting into squares.
Brownies will keep for a few days at room temp, a few more days in the fridge and they actually reheat pretty well in the microwave it you decide to freeze them.